vineri, 23 septembrie 2022

Adam si Eva - Experiment genetic controlat de elohimi

Cristytepes 23 sept 2022. Fac o paralela la creatie si ce se intampla acum > Daca Adam si Eva au fost un experiment genetic controlat de elohimi prin inseminare artificiala si dezvoltarea fatului in uter artificial ? Daca oamenii erau soricei de laborator unde aveau hrana asigurata (venit minim garantat Agenda NOM) si hraniti cu plante modificate genetic si alimente sintetice ( Monsanto si Dupont)? Daca Pacatul originar a fost inmultirea naturala si dorinta de libertate ,iesirea din Matrix? Daca asa zis-ul dumnezeu Yehova-demiurgul i-a blestemat cu nasterea in dureri , castigarea painii cu sudoarea fruntii si cu plantele care cresteau natural in culturi ca spinii si palamida ,fara a fi stropite cu ierbicid si chimicale si modificate genetic de genul Monsanto si Dupont fara seminte adica fara viata ? Daca Pomul cunostintei binelui si raului e programarea la gandirea duala si Pomul Vietii e Adevarata Cunoastere de Dumnezeul Duh si Adevar, adusa de Iisus Hristos care duce la mantuire ,deprogramare ,iluminare si descoperirea puterii interioare de Fii ai Lui Dumnezeu si cocreatori ? De ce dumnezeirea s-a bucurat ca omul nu a mancat si din Pomul vietii? De ce dumnezeirea a incurcat la turnul Babel limbile oamenilor ca sa nu ajunga ca Ei ? De ce se teme dumnezeirea de oameni si de ce este invidioasa pe oameni in loc sa se bucure ca un parinte adevarat de evolutia copiilor sai ? De ce in VT dumnezeu este un parinte rau , incarnat intr-un trup , care vrea jertfe si invidiaza si pedepseste copii iar in NT este bun ,iertator ,fara forma fizica ,Duh si Adevar iubind inchinatorii in duh si Adevar fa a i se pomenii numele de Yehova ? Cristytepes 23 sept 2022. What if Adam and Eve were a genetic experiment controlled by elohim through artificial insemination and fetal development in an artificial womb? What if the humans were lab mice where they were food secured (guaranteed minimum income Agenda NOM) and fed genetically modified plants and synthetic foods ( Monsanto and Dupont)? What if the original sin was natural reproduction and the desire for freedom, the exit from the Matrix? What if the so called god Yehovah the demigod cursed them with being born in pain, earning bread by the sweat of their brow and with plants growing naturally in crops like thorns and palamida , without being sprayed with herbicide and chemicals and genetically modified Monsanto and Dupont seedless i.e. lifeless ? What if the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is the programming to dual thinking and the Tree of Life is the True Knowledge of God the Spirit and Truth brought by Jesus Christ that leads to salvation, deprogramming, enlightenment and the discovery of the inner power of God's Sons and Co-creators? Why did Godhead rejoice that man did not also eat of the Tree of Life? Why did Godhead mess up the tongues of men at the Tower of Babel so that they would not become like Him? Why is God fearing men and why is He envious of men instead of rejoicing like a true parent in the evolution of his children? Why in the OT God is an evil parent, incarnated in a body, who wants sacrifices and envies and punishes children and in the NT He is good, forgiving, without physical form, Spirit and Truth loving worshippers in Spirit and Truth making His name Yehovah? Translated with (free version)